Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Second Year Molars...part 2

Case in point I have no clue.....
For five days I think my daughter is getting her 2 year molars! I watch helplessly as she cries out in pain, her gums (the whole mouth) are severely swollen and she refuses to eat. And yet there is some little thing deep down telling me perhaps this is something more.
As continued from here....
Beast comes down the stairs with daddy, crying about something completely outlandish! Daddy has all her sheets and I think, "what a smart man, she's drooling so much!" But then I notice the blood stains all over the sheets and pillowcases and my panic mode comes into play again. She does have a small blister on the corner of her mouth, I thought it was a zit, you know, from all the drool.
So I am scouring the internet, finding all kinds of scary things she could have while having an internal melodrama with myself about why or why not she needs to see a doctor when the phone rings. It's my hubby (he's on his way to work) "you might think I am crazy, but I called the doctor and made an appointment for Emma to go in this morning" CRAZY? No hunny you are a brave brave man. I sat and had crazy stupid conversations over and over in my head while my cool calm and collected husband simply picked up the phone and made the call. Why can't all of my decisions be that simple? Anyhow......
So we go to the doctor and I explain all of the symptoms and within seconds the doctor says, she has Gingivostomatitis!!

WTH? This whole time I thought she was teething!!!

On a lighter note, I don't have to worry about little AJ coming down with the gingiwhatsomacallit because he's breastfed! How awesome is that? While I may not have a clue about a lot of things, I do know that Breastfeeding Rocks!!

Until we meet again..... I remain,


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