Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The beautiful gift of nap time!

I might be totally clueless about most of this stuff, but one thing I know for sure is the importance of nap time!! And not just for my own sanity but also for my children!

My daughter was super easy to get the hang of sleep!! She was sleeping through the night at 6 weeks and I know I never had any trouble getting her on a nap schedule.

My son on the other hand is proving to be a bit more of a challenge!

We've gotten him so he will go to bed on his own at night - I can't stress the importance of teaching your children to fall asleep on their own as early as you possibly can. I have read a lot about this and find that the methods of Tracy Hogg, The Baby Whisperer are really the best. She is somewhere in the middle of the Cry it Out method and the Co-sleeping method. Anyway, I would put AJ down in his crib AWAKE but tired. For about a week, it was a bit of a struggle, he would cry, ALOT and we did let him cry but once he got into what I call "pterodactyl" (high pitch screams), my husband or I would go in there and reassure him that he was okay. We didn't pick him up or turn on the light, just simply stayed with him for a little bit and left. Now sometimes we would have to repeat this several times before he finally gave in. One word of advice I can give about the whole process is stick to a bedtime routine and TIME!

Nap time is a whole different monster! Now granted, he is only 3 months old but I know the sooner we can have routine nap time around the same time each day, the easier this will all be for ALL of us! I am trying not to be obsessed with getting it down but at the same time I know I have to remain consistent in my methods and he will eventually catch on!

Yesterday, both of my children gave me the gift of long beautiful naps! And not only that, but they napped at the same time!! So naturally, when something so perfect happens, the next day when one of them decides they don't need to nap its such a ginormous let down.  I feel like I have been trying to get my son to take a nap all day long. I know I shouldn't expect to have two great days in a row but it was just so nice!

As I type this both of my children are asleep (finally) and my house is filled with a nice calm quiet that is so refreshing. I can sit here and recharge and be ready for whatever the second part of the day is going to bring. This moment alone was worth the battle royal my son and I had for most of the day about the nap. Mommy 1 AJ  0  :)

Basking in the moment but still a little....


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