With a toddler and an infant I feel like its a pretty safe place for us as well. My kids can cry, we can get lunch and I can shop with very few people giving me the evil eye for anything. My daughter, for some crazy reason loves going to target, and especially loves having lunch there.
We had a pretty uneventful trip today. My daughter didn't throw any tantrums and my son was awake the whole time and didn't cry. I decided to get one of those huge carts, where my daughter can sit facing forward and my son can sit in his carrier. And that was a disaster, ever try pushing one of these boats around in Target?? I felt like I have truly evolved as a mom pushing this honker around!
So we check out and proceed to the nice little cafe area, Pizza hut for my daughter, starbucks for me and a nice fresh pumped bottle for my son. The pizza would take about 10 minutes and my son started to scream, so I used the empty seat of the cart as a little bottle station and warmed up the bottle with a cup of hot water I purchased (UGH!!!!) from starbucks as we waited. I feel kind of like a jerk standing at the front of Target with a screaming baby, using the cart as a station, but we do what we must!
I am suddenly approached by a woman. She's around 40 - early 50 and just looks so kind. I fear she might scold me but instead she says, I just had to come see who was make all that racket. She spent a good 5 minutes looking at my son, asking his name, telling me how cute he was, when all of a sudden I noticed she was crying. I must have had a look of concern because she says, he reminds me so much of my son. He's a senior in high school graduating in a few weeks and I can't for the life of me figure out where all the time went. She told me to enjoy every single minute, because it goes so fast and you know what, I started crying too. I cried because I could see myself down the road wondering the same thing.
Even if everyday is crazy and I don't have a clue most of the time what I am doing, I do cherish every moment and I do know that it's going to go so fast! So, to the kind woman who shared a tear with me today at Target: thank you so much for putting my days into prospective for me and putting me back on track. (at least until my daughter turns into a beast again or my son poops on me!)
Have a great weekend friends.........
Enjoying the ride but still pretty much,