Phew, ever have a day where you feel completely clueless and incompetent nursing?
Especially today! My son (almost 3 mths) is having one of those days where he's hungry all the time and when I feed him he does what I call "the fuss nurse"! Eat a little, pull away, cry and then go back. It makes me feel like I am not producing enough to make him happy and then I get frustrated too. It brought me to tears for the first time since I have had him. I can remember crying over breastfeeding with my daughter on more than one occasion, so I must be evolving as a mom!
The thing is, breastfeeding is hard! (one of the hardest things I have ever done!) There is so much about it that people don't tell you, that you don't expect and its so darn easy to just give up!!!
So here is my list of things you should know about breastfeeding that nobody thought to tell you:
1. You will literally feel like a milk cow from the second the milk starts to flow!!
2. When the milk does start to flow, you'd be amazed at how far it can squirt!
3. It's not fun to be talking to your mother-in law and suddenly have your milk come down with no breast pad. It's like suddenly peeing your pants, only its in a far more obvious spot. Bring breast pads with you everywhere!
4. There will be a time where whipping out your breast seems so much easier than waiting for the wait staff at your favorite restaurant to bring you a mug of hot water while your baby screams and those who are trying to enjoy a nice quiet meal shoot daggers at you with their eyes!!
5.Breastfeeding in public seems like a viable option now that you are finally breastfeeding.
(I used to think breastfeeding in public was weird, now that I am a breastfeeder, it sounds like a great idea! Where do I sign up for one of those public demonstrations?)
6. Everything you do will now revolve around breastfeeding! Running to the store is no longer. First you have to decide if you can squeeze in a quick trip before the 2 1/2 hours is up and you need to feed your baby again.
7. 2 to 3 hours is a very very short time, especially if your child eats for 45 min to an hour - then it's even less time that you have where you don't have the sweet little thing latched to you!!
8. Trying to see exactly how much you can get done in the short time you have between feedings becomes your new favorite game.
9. Having visitors is not as easy as it once was, now you have to determine if the visit will fall in the feeding zone and then you will have to decide if you are going to leave your visitors for awhile to go feed the baby in private, feed the baby with the visitors in the same room but cover up, or prepare a bottle and pray that the baby takes it from you, your hubby or one of the visitors.
10. Breastfeeding is very demanding, is not easy and takes up a lot of your time, but it is one of the best things you can do for your children! If you are able to do it, good for you! Keep it up! If you aren't, it's okay too - don't beat yourself up over it!!
Baby Latched as I type and still pretty........
This is great advise. Hi I'm a new follower from WORLD BLOGGERS COMMUNITY.